Hi there to all our inspiremeonline followers.
The new school year is well into term 1 now and I trust that all your little ones are settling in to their new environments/situations. Most are probably enjoying their new experiences and I am certain that they are full of stories for you everyday.
However , let us not forget those that might be struggling a little still. In my many years of running an early learning centre , I most certainly know how the adjustment situations vary from child to child. Some learners adjusted with no serious issues but every year we most certainly had the “criers” and the “bravehearts”.
The one group consisted of learners who really cried and threw tantrums and made it very clear that they were struggling with the whole new scenario. Sometimes it took them a few days or few weeks to feel comfortable and settle in.
The other group who I called the “bravehearts” walked in with no issues on day one and seemed to enjoy being at school and their parents were relieved. However, a few days or even weeks later, the scenario used to change. Suddenly the reality used to set in that they have to do this every day and then the anxieties showed up.
It was always funny to see how by this time because the “criers” had settled in, they could not understand why the “bravehearts” were crying and there were some real memorable and funny moments for us.
What is important to remember is that both groups experienced fears and anxieties but at different times of starting school or adjusting to new situations. Equally important to remember is that both groups require understanding and empathy.
Children sometimes have difficulty in expressing their fears and anxieties, with the result that parents often have difficulty in understanding what is happening and often the child is labelled as being difficult.
It is important for parents to recognise the childs fears and anxieties, to acknowledge them and show empathy no matter how inconvenient or irrational it might seem to you as an adult.
Ensure that you treat their fears/anxieties with respect. Do not trivialise it or dismiss it. It may seem trivial to you but to your child , it is very very real. Parents who are able to see things from a child’s perspective, will start understanding that things that seem ridiculous or insignificant to adults may be terrifying to a child.
Belittling or dismissing a childs fears can end up having a negative effect. Understanding and acknowledging the childs fears , enables the parents to empathise and give the necessary emotional support.
There are many aspects to raising emotionally intelligent children and I will be exploring a few other topics in the coming weeks.
Drop us an email or whatsapp message if you found these words helpful. We would love to hear from you.
Keeping in line with the theme of emotions , I urge you to check out one of our products in store…STARTING SCHOOL WITH A BAG FULL OF EMOTIONS. It is an interesting and helpful read about little Wamu as she starts school for the first time. Follow her as she experiences some big feelings that she cant always handle by herself.
Happy reading and enjoy shopping at inspiremeonline.
See you soon. Kind regards
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